Political Cycle Brings Housing Proposals

Political cycles, particularly presidential primaries, elevate attention to a lot of significant social and economic issues. It’s no surprise that multiple candidates have recently articulated prospective housing policies to address the common American concern of the affordability and availability of quality housing stock for both rental and ownership.

Regardless of the politics, there’s general benefit in attention to the crisis-level conditions of our housing economy and its effect on American opportunity and quality of life for both individuals and communities. Several candidates have voiced support for expanding the federal allocation to LIHTC and there is frequent conversation about the financial pressure on both low-income and middle-class families as housing prices outpace wage growth.

We encourage policymakers to consider the strategies that restore accessibility to ownership and to a cornerstone of personal wealth-building for Americans. Through homeownership, we can stabilize and revitalize communities and begin mitigating our national poverty gap.

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Published On: September 15, 2019Categories: Federal, Housing News